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Sevenoaks Catenians

Welcome to Sevenoaks Catenians

The Sevenoaks Circle provides a wide variety of social events throughout the year.

There are plenty of opportunities to meet fellow members and their families, whether at a formal dinners and dances or at informal social and other events which happen most months such as bowling, family quiz night, sailing or golf. 

Latest photos

Council working hard!
Council working hard!
Presenting cheque to the Hospice in the Weald
Presenting cheque to the Hospice in the Weald
Job done
Job done
Fastnet Rock
Fastnet Rock
Fastnet Rock
Fastnet Rock
Fastnet Rock
Fastnet Rock
David Brunning recieving certificate on joining
David Brunning recieving certificate on joining
Sevenoaks Visiting
Sevenoaks Visiting
Tony Capozzi winning the Kirkham Cup
Tony Capozzi winning the Kirkham Cup

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